

                   So, what is fishing generally? 

Fishing is an activity of catching fish for whatever motive or purpose you have for doing it. So just like any other activity, there are many types of fishing, for example, we have freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing which are the main then the rest are ice fishing, shore fishing, canoe fishing, kayak fishing.

Well, there are many reasons for  fishing which may include recreational, commercial, as a sport, as therapy for stress relief and last but not least fishing for food. There are various techniques used for best kayak fishing but here is a list for a few of them, starting from the old manual methods: hand gathering, spearing, netting, trapping, angling, trawling and many others.

Fishing requires fishing vessels and these are either the boats or ships used during fishing activities. Choosing a particular fishing vessel depends on your purpose or reason for fishing. Some fishing methods do not require a fishing vessel.

Fishing regulations

Well in general fishing regulations consist of requirements for fishing; the rules stated out for fishing, the prohibitions, these vary depending on the state one is fishing from. They are used to ensure good fishing exists in the future. For instance, when one is fishing there are regulations one needs to consider. The following are particulars involved in a fishing regulation: owning a fishing license, there are the state's prohibitions and exemptions, and laws.


Licenses are documented permits to allow one to do or carry out a particular thing or activity, given by authority. Well, fishing also requires licenses to avoid illegal fishing, overfishing and possibly pollution. Licenses vary depending on the type of fishing, state you are fishing from and the type of fish you are fishing. During fishing you must always carry your fishing license if not you may be fined or prosecuted. in the UK, for example, if you do not carry your rod fishing license during fishing you may be fined up to £2,500 for fishing without a rod fishing license.

Fishing forecast

Fishing forecasts are news or information given out to fishermen based on research, giving information about fish population, the best weather, and climate to fish, the specific type of fish available in the waters, the suggested fishing method that can be used for a productive fishing activity.

Record catches

These involve the records of the biggest fish caught and most outstanding fishing activities that have ever taken place around the world in general or in specific states.

By clicking on the link you will be able to see the most captivating and outstanding world fishing records ever set by different people from different fishing grounds around the world.
Although there are sites for fishing records for specific states this link is a start to water your mouth for the lovers of fishing as a sport or recreation. It is pretty amazing to read through the records and also stimulating and exciting.

Many fishing departments for different areas with special offices located to deal with fishing and all the necessary information required on it.

Depending on the region, area and state one can search for the specific fishing offices they are looking for and departments for the help they require or for the information they may be seeking.

Health advisories

As we have seen from the beginning fishing is amazing, fun and can provide economically and also for a meal. Just like too much of something is poisonous we need to find out the health benefits of fishing and fish eating. Fish is an important protein very necessary for our diet and nutrition. On the contrary, some species of fish are not safe for consumption and our health, they may contain chemicals or harmful substances that can totally damage our bodies and health in general.

Most states have advisories on consumption of fish to protect its citizen from harmful consumption of contaminated fish. Consumption advisory involves recommending people of a particular area to avoid or limit their consumption to specific types of fish of the water bodies.

These types of links will lead you directly to information on what you are safe to eat or not to eat, what to avoid and what to consume less of. Despite the fact that fish is good, we should also consider the fact that not every specie out there is for consumption or is safe for consumption by everyone.


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